yep, this is us

yep, this is us
This is the most recent one of the two of us..Chris smiling, Angie looking neurotic

Monday, January 2, 2012

Remind me who I am....2012

"If I'm your beloved, can you help me believe it?
Tell me once again, who I am to you, who I am to you
Tell me lest I forget who I am to you, that I belong to you".

This wont be one of the traditional "Twin" posts. I'll try and throw some humor in here, but I have lots to chat about, so you'll just have to listen to my ramblings. My song for 2012 is "Remind me who I am", for so many reasons. I'll start with 2011. I dont have words for 2011. Easily the hardest year of my life, sans 1998 when I lost my dad. I dont especially want to rehash everything that happened in 2011, I'd rather tuck it away in my subconscious or save it for a therapy session or something. However, as I reflect on 2011, I have come to realize that along with all the heartbreak and stress and worry, I received an incredible amount of blessings. I honestly dont think I would have recognized the blessings, had it not been for the hurt.

So many things have changed in the past year, its mind blowing to me at times. Going through the hurt and despair that I had last year made me rely on God more than I ever have. I had to fully trust that His words were true, and very very real. My lead pastor said something to me last year, and I'll never forget it, because its completely changed how I view my relationship with God. He told me that God does not rule and run this world as if it were just a big chess game. He doesnt move this piece here, so that another piece can go there, and so on. Sometimes bad things happen solely because of the world we live in. (I'm paraphrasing what he said) Upon hearing this, and pondering it for awhile, it just really switched my way of thinking. Yes, God knows and cares about whats going on in our lives, but he's not directing all of it like some kind of huge traffic God. He knows life is hard, which is why He gave us all the handbook on how to handle this life!

Anyway, so back to "Remind me who I am". My goal for 2012 is to never lose sight of what our purpose is, remember who it is that I belong to, and further the kingdom of God. So many people want to know "why we are here". I dont have the complete answer to that, but I know that our goal as Christians is to help direct others to Him. My faith is so much stronger now than it was :) I dont worry nearly as much as I used to, because I know that its pointless. Why worry about tomorrow? Today, I have food, clothing, an awesome job, a fantastic smokin-hot hubby, and great kids. What more could I ask for? In 2012, my prayer for all of you is that you SLOW DOWN! Stop worrying!!!!!! When the hard times come, and I know that they are coming, HIT..YOUR...KNEES!

Its either we laugh or....we pray :)


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