Hello out there in bloggy blog land!!!!! Well, I've been trying to think of something to blog about, and I'm having a rough time. So, we would like to hear from YOU!!!!!!!! YES YOU!!!!! Sitting there with your hand on the mouse. What would you like "Twinnified"? What would you like to know about us? What can we put a "Twin spin" on? Let us know!!! Either reply to this post, or post in on facebook. Looking forward to hearing from you!
yep, this is us
This is the most recent one of the two of us..Chris smiling, Angie looking neurotic
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
random thoughts
pure boredom
my patient refuses to sleep
can't diagnose sleep apnea without sleep
Me and twin are in different labs tonight. It has messed up the flow of the world and the snow and ice gods are cursing us. We will be sleeping in the lab tomorrow as to not risk or lives driving home and then back again. This does not make me happy. I would much rather go home and sleep with the hubby.
My princess is at yet another birthday/slumber party tonight. I'm sure she is still awake. I love that girl.
I ate french fries today. So totally against the diet, yet, somehow the night just called for it.
I have a salad for later to make up for the french fries :)
I'm on my 4th cup of coffee for the night. Good luck sleeping for me tomorrow.
My Studly is working tonight too. We keep emailing stupid comments to each other to keep us awake.
My sister Kimmy is coming to visit next week. It will be the last time for 4 years since she thinks its a GREAT idea to move to Japan. haha
I have considered moving to Japan myself. :)
That's all for now.
It's either we laugh.....or we fall asleep in the sleep lab.
my patient refuses to sleep
can't diagnose sleep apnea without sleep
Me and twin are in different labs tonight. It has messed up the flow of the world and the snow and ice gods are cursing us. We will be sleeping in the lab tomorrow as to not risk or lives driving home and then back again. This does not make me happy. I would much rather go home and sleep with the hubby.
My princess is at yet another birthday/slumber party tonight. I'm sure she is still awake. I love that girl.
I ate french fries today. So totally against the diet, yet, somehow the night just called for it.
I have a salad for later to make up for the french fries :)
I'm on my 4th cup of coffee for the night. Good luck sleeping for me tomorrow.
My Studly is working tonight too. We keep emailing stupid comments to each other to keep us awake.
My sister Kimmy is coming to visit next week. It will be the last time for 4 years since she thinks its a GREAT idea to move to Japan. haha
I have considered moving to Japan myself. :)
That's all for now.
It's either we laugh.....or we fall asleep in the sleep lab.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
twin rules and regulations
Just some rules and regulations to know when dealing with the Supertwins
--Anything said to us personally WILL be shared with the other twin. Don't even think about saying "don't tell your twin, but..." we will be on the phone with each other as soon as you walk outta the room. This rule does not apply to christmas presents, our mom, or our sister Kim 'cause you don't wanna be on their bad side.
--No, you cannot be the "honorary triplet" Through the years we have had MANY friends that took this title. Admit it people, you just can't "hang" with da twins.
--Do not even THINK you will be friends with one of us and not the other. We are a package deal. Think of it as two for one. And if my twin doesn't like you, chances are I won't soon either.
--You wanna mess with me? Mess with my twin. I can handle all the beat downs in the world, but don't you DARE go after her. I will hurt you in 101 ways, 100 of which you won't like.
--If you and I have plans, and then my twin needs something, then sorry, you are outta luck. That's just how we roll.
--Don't think you're being clever by suggesting that our two families move into one house to save on time and gas mileage. The only thing stopping us are our husbands.
--No, we do not have "twin intuition" This is the stupidest thing in the world. However, I know what she is thinking, saying, feeling, by taking one look at her. If she gives me a little shrug in your presence, she doesn't like you.
--If you criticize her kids, I will cut you. I am their second mommy, for real.
--Yes, we share everything that happens to us with each other. EXCEPT intimate details of our marriage 'cause her husband is seriously like my brother and that is gross.
--Do not think you are complimenting one of us by saying we are "prettier, smarter, wiser" etc. than the other one. This is an insult. Your name will go on the list of people we make fun of.
--Don't ask us "What's it like being a twin?" Would you ask a non twin what it's like to not be a twin? Would you ask a female what it's like being a girl? This is, again, one of the stupidest questions you can ask a twin. And, yes, we pity you that you aren't a twin.
--Do not say "Wow, you don't look like twins, are you identical?" Wow, you really didn't look like a moron when I met you, but now you have proven me otherwise.
--My twin is perfect and pure in every way. Do not try to convince me otherwise. Again, I will hurt you.
Ok, those were Chris' rules of Twinhood...now its my turn to throw some in!!!!!
--as far as honorary triplet, that position has already been filled. Her name is Kim, and she helps us Twins make sense out of life. that, and she'll hurt us if we say the honorary triplet is someone else!!!
-- We talk about random subjects at random times..dont try and keep up. At the womens retreat, we filled a half hour talking about how we should build a fort and fill it with Little Debbies and nobody could come in unless they gave us Cheetos. (or if they were the Old Spice Guy)
--We plan on dying together, cuz we couldnt stand life without the other. We figure we'll die in some awesome fashion, and people will talk about for ages to come.
--Criticize my Twin, and I'll rip off your legs and make everyone call you "Scoots McGee". Oh, there goes Scoots McGee on his stumpy legs, he made fun of a Twin.
--One day we WILL buy property big enough to put two houses on. And we're going to build a big wall around it and dig a moat and fill it with alligators. You cant come in without the password and a bag of cheetos. (unless you're the Old Spice guy)
--We either laugh or we laugh behind your back.
--Anything said to us personally WILL be shared with the other twin. Don't even think about saying "don't tell your twin, but..." we will be on the phone with each other as soon as you walk outta the room. This rule does not apply to christmas presents, our mom, or our sister Kim 'cause you don't wanna be on their bad side.
--No, you cannot be the "honorary triplet" Through the years we have had MANY friends that took this title. Admit it people, you just can't "hang" with da twins.
--Do not even THINK you will be friends with one of us and not the other. We are a package deal. Think of it as two for one. And if my twin doesn't like you, chances are I won't soon either.
--You wanna mess with me? Mess with my twin. I can handle all the beat downs in the world, but don't you DARE go after her. I will hurt you in 101 ways, 100 of which you won't like.
--If you and I have plans, and then my twin needs something, then sorry, you are outta luck. That's just how we roll.
--Don't think you're being clever by suggesting that our two families move into one house to save on time and gas mileage. The only thing stopping us are our husbands.
--No, we do not have "twin intuition" This is the stupidest thing in the world. However, I know what she is thinking, saying, feeling, by taking one look at her. If she gives me a little shrug in your presence, she doesn't like you.
--If you criticize her kids, I will cut you. I am their second mommy, for real.
--Yes, we share everything that happens to us with each other. EXCEPT intimate details of our marriage 'cause her husband is seriously like my brother and that is gross.
--Do not think you are complimenting one of us by saying we are "prettier, smarter, wiser" etc. than the other one. This is an insult. Your name will go on the list of people we make fun of.
--Don't ask us "What's it like being a twin?" Would you ask a non twin what it's like to not be a twin? Would you ask a female what it's like being a girl? This is, again, one of the stupidest questions you can ask a twin. And, yes, we pity you that you aren't a twin.
--Do not say "Wow, you don't look like twins, are you identical?" Wow, you really didn't look like a moron when I met you, but now you have proven me otherwise.
--My twin is perfect and pure in every way. Do not try to convince me otherwise. Again, I will hurt you.
Ok, those were Chris' rules of Twinhood...now its my turn to throw some in!!!!!
--as far as honorary triplet, that position has already been filled. Her name is Kim, and she helps us Twins make sense out of life. that, and she'll hurt us if we say the honorary triplet is someone else!!!
-- We talk about random subjects at random times..dont try and keep up. At the womens retreat, we filled a half hour talking about how we should build a fort and fill it with Little Debbies and nobody could come in unless they gave us Cheetos. (or if they were the Old Spice Guy)
--We plan on dying together, cuz we couldnt stand life without the other. We figure we'll die in some awesome fashion, and people will talk about for ages to come.
--Criticize my Twin, and I'll rip off your legs and make everyone call you "Scoots McGee". Oh, there goes Scoots McGee on his stumpy legs, he made fun of a Twin.
--One day we WILL buy property big enough to put two houses on. And we're going to build a big wall around it and dig a moat and fill it with alligators. You cant come in without the password and a bag of cheetos. (unless you're the Old Spice guy)
--We either laugh or we laugh behind your back.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
I've started and restarted this post about 6 times now, thinking of different topics. In all actuality, though, I'm just not feelin it tonight. To be honest tonight, i just don't understand people/life sometimes. Today we have just been shown that people, even people that are closest to us, can just be pure evil. The Bible tells us that revenge is of the Lord. Some days I just wanna help him along,though, and burn some houses down, kick some butt, put aresenic in the well etc. I don't get it. Maybe I am just not wired that way. My family is my life. My family is my heart, my world, and when someone attacks them, it is ON like donkey kong. You want to see the "human" side of me, mess with my family. I have moments when I could make a sailor blush. Am I proud of this? no That's called keepin it real. Luckily, I have a mom and 3 of my sisters that are my bestest friends. We "get" each other and know where our hearts are. I love you mommy Salami, Wein, Camper Jo, and Twinnie twin. hey, we either laugh.....or we go to Dave and Busters until we laugh.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
love and marriage
I have been thinking about this all day. Why? Because I married the best man EVER. No really, I did, for today. haha Studly and I have been married for a bit over 13 years. They have not all been blissful, they have not all been horrid. They have all been a little bit of both. We've been through some crap and survived it, maybe for the better. I'm flighty, neurotic, live in a gray world, and love him. He's uptight, serious, all black and white, and hot...oh..and he loves me. We even each other out well. Over the years, I have loosened him up considerably, and he has forced me to keep my emotions in check. He lets me know when I need to raise hell, and I tell him when he needs to get the cob out. It works for us. Why? I don't know. When we got married, we had some friends tell us they were going to buy us a fruit basket for a wedding gift. Why a fruit basket? Because they were convinced the fruit basket would last longer than the marriage. Yeah, we're not friends any more. But it still makes me laugh. jerks Over the years, I have been told soooo many times " well you just wait 'till you've been married for ___ years, then you will be miserable. Still waiting for that time to come. Do I love him every day. Uh, no. Some days I want to hit him with a brick and send him home to his mommy. Some days he wants to sew my mouth shut and send me to the looney bin. However, it all comes full circle. I may love him today, despise him tomorrow, however, he's stuck with me. How do we do it? I don't know. We're lucky. Why does our marriage work and others don't? I don't know, we're blessed. What's the secret to a good marriage? If you ask my mom, it's sex. I agree 100%, but I'm sure there's more to it. I don't know what that is. However, for today, I love this man and I pray I still love him just as much 10, 20, 30 years from now. It's either we laugh.....or get divorced. Laughing is cheaper in the long run. :)
Monday, January 2, 2012
Remind me who I am....2012
"If I'm your beloved, can you help me believe it?
Tell me once again, who I am to you, who I am to you
Tell me lest I forget who I am to you, that I belong to you".
This wont be one of the traditional "Twin" posts. I'll try and throw some humor in here, but I have lots to chat about, so you'll just have to listen to my ramblings. My song for 2012 is "Remind me who I am", for so many reasons. I'll start with 2011. I dont have words for 2011. Easily the hardest year of my life, sans 1998 when I lost my dad. I dont especially want to rehash everything that happened in 2011, I'd rather tuck it away in my subconscious or save it for a therapy session or something. However, as I reflect on 2011, I have come to realize that along with all the heartbreak and stress and worry, I received an incredible amount of blessings. I honestly dont think I would have recognized the blessings, had it not been for the hurt.
So many things have changed in the past year, its mind blowing to me at times. Going through the hurt and despair that I had last year made me rely on God more than I ever have. I had to fully trust that His words were true, and very very real. My lead pastor said something to me last year, and I'll never forget it, because its completely changed how I view my relationship with God. He told me that God does not rule and run this world as if it were just a big chess game. He doesnt move this piece here, so that another piece can go there, and so on. Sometimes bad things happen solely because of the world we live in. (I'm paraphrasing what he said) Upon hearing this, and pondering it for awhile, it just really switched my way of thinking. Yes, God knows and cares about whats going on in our lives, but he's not directing all of it like some kind of huge traffic God. He knows life is hard, which is why He gave us all the handbook on how to handle this life!
Anyway, so back to "Remind me who I am". My goal for 2012 is to never lose sight of what our purpose is, remember who it is that I belong to, and further the kingdom of God. So many people want to know "why we are here". I dont have the complete answer to that, but I know that our goal as Christians is to help direct others to Him. My faith is so much stronger now than it was :) I dont worry nearly as much as I used to, because I know that its pointless. Why worry about tomorrow? Today, I have food, clothing, an awesome job, a fantastic smokin-hot hubby, and great kids. What more could I ask for? In 2012, my prayer for all of you is that you SLOW DOWN! Stop worrying!!!!!! When the hard times come, and I know that they are coming, HIT..YOUR...KNEES!
Its either we laugh or....we pray :)
Tell me once again, who I am to you, who I am to you
Tell me lest I forget who I am to you, that I belong to you".
This wont be one of the traditional "Twin" posts. I'll try and throw some humor in here, but I have lots to chat about, so you'll just have to listen to my ramblings. My song for 2012 is "Remind me who I am", for so many reasons. I'll start with 2011. I dont have words for 2011. Easily the hardest year of my life, sans 1998 when I lost my dad. I dont especially want to rehash everything that happened in 2011, I'd rather tuck it away in my subconscious or save it for a therapy session or something. However, as I reflect on 2011, I have come to realize that along with all the heartbreak and stress and worry, I received an incredible amount of blessings. I honestly dont think I would have recognized the blessings, had it not been for the hurt.
So many things have changed in the past year, its mind blowing to me at times. Going through the hurt and despair that I had last year made me rely on God more than I ever have. I had to fully trust that His words were true, and very very real. My lead pastor said something to me last year, and I'll never forget it, because its completely changed how I view my relationship with God. He told me that God does not rule and run this world as if it were just a big chess game. He doesnt move this piece here, so that another piece can go there, and so on. Sometimes bad things happen solely because of the world we live in. (I'm paraphrasing what he said) Upon hearing this, and pondering it for awhile, it just really switched my way of thinking. Yes, God knows and cares about whats going on in our lives, but he's not directing all of it like some kind of huge traffic God. He knows life is hard, which is why He gave us all the handbook on how to handle this life!
Anyway, so back to "Remind me who I am". My goal for 2012 is to never lose sight of what our purpose is, remember who it is that I belong to, and further the kingdom of God. So many people want to know "why we are here". I dont have the complete answer to that, but I know that our goal as Christians is to help direct others to Him. My faith is so much stronger now than it was :) I dont worry nearly as much as I used to, because I know that its pointless. Why worry about tomorrow? Today, I have food, clothing, an awesome job, a fantastic smokin-hot hubby, and great kids. What more could I ask for? In 2012, my prayer for all of you is that you SLOW DOWN! Stop worrying!!!!!! When the hard times come, and I know that they are coming, HIT..YOUR...KNEES!
Its either we laugh or....we pray :)
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