yep, this is us

yep, this is us
This is the most recent one of the two of us..Chris smiling, Angie looking neurotic

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Positive Reinforcement

I've had this blog idea bouncing around in my head for a number of days, so let's see if I can spit it out.

 I firmly believe this world would be a much better place, if we all ran on the "Positive Reinforcement" model.  Some examples would be-

"Excuse me, fine citizen.  Do you know why I pulled you over?" 
"No, fine officer, why is that?"
" Well, I saw that you were the only fine citizen not driving like a drunken monkey through the construction site.  Here is a coupon for a free ice cream cone. *wink wink*  Carry on fine citizen!"

At the doctors office-

"Well hello, fine patient of mine.  I see that you walked in here with your severed head in a bag and didn't demand pain meds.  Here, this is a script for loritab.  Take two of them with a shot of vodka.  Send yourself on a little mini- vacation without even leaving your living room." 
As opposed to "Hello crack head patient of mine.  I see you are demanding anxiety meds because your neighbors dog won't stop barking.  Here, this is a script for "Suck it up sweetheart" and a gun permit.  I think you know what to do."

At the school

"well hello fine parent.  I see that you are the only parent who hasn't called to harass me about homework, lunches, my shoe size, and my middle name.  Here is a free pass on having to sign the 400 parent forms that I will be sending home in the next 2 days."
" well thank you, fine teacher of my child."

Seriously, the world would be a much better place if they would only put anti-depressants in the water system like they do fluoride!

We either laugh or.......we shoot the neighbors dog.

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