Studly took me away on a little overnight getaway. Well, me, and Micaiah. I know we're supposed to leave the kid somewhere else when we go away, however, with our work schedules and such, we never feel like we have time as a family, so the kiddo went with us. Besides, the kid is a riot. We didn't really go far, just about an hour north of here. We went to the mall that I always went to growing up. It has changed quite a bit. I forgot just how huge the place is! Seriously, our mall here is NOTHING compared to it. So, we walk in and AAAAHHHHHH they have a Charming Charlies!!!!!!!!! Seriously, this is the BEST STORE EVER! It's like a Claires, on crack, for adult women. I first went to one in Washington, DC with my sister Kim. I had NO IDEA they had one here in Indiana WITHIN DRIVING DISTANCE FROM ME! I'm sensing an all girls road trip in the ne
ar future. It was a great time to go to the mall. Every store had huge sales going on. We bought little things here and there, paying no more than a buck for most of it. The Princess had a blast buying accessories and such for herself. Grandma Miller got her a gift card to Claires. She burned it up in about 2.5 seconds (thanks mom!). They now have a double decker carousal which we had to check out. Correction, Tom and Micaiah had to check out. Those things make me heave in 2.5 seconds (thanks for passing the motion sickness gene on to me dad). They loved it. Studly isn't too much of a studly to enjoy a carousal ride with his little girl. He even rode on the pretty pink pony that she picked out for him
. Love that man. I had to take a picture of this next spot, and my sisters are sure to appreciate it. As I said earlier, this is the mall that we all went to when we were growing up. On one such trip, mom and dad took us girls as teenagers there. We split up from mom and dad, 'cause it's not cool to walk around with your parents. Dad had this "thing" he did throughout his life. Whenever he wanted to round us all up, he would CAW CAW like a crow. When we were younger, we would all come running. Well, you guessed it, mom and dad were on the top level of the mall, we were on the floor level when CAW CAW CAW CAW is what we hear. I remember my sister Kim just saying to all of us, "Don't even look up there, just walk away!" And, so we did. It didn't discourage my dad at all. He just kept cawin like a freakin crow. Oh how I miss that man. The next day, found us at Gander Mountain, Bass Pro Shop, and Cabellas. All 3 of which are hunting/fishing/camping/testosterone filled shops. However, they have enough candles, homemade fudge, and pretties to keep me entertained. That, and it's too funny to see my little girl handling guns.
They also have a lot of cool taxidermy. Micaiah cracked me up when she looked at one of the deer and said "Quit staring at me! Stupid deer! You're dead to me!" Hilarious Throw in some lunch with
some old friends from college and we pretty much had a blast! that a PINK GUN??!!!! I must have it!!!!!!!!!! Awesome pics :) Ohh I soooo remember that time with dad. Crazy old man! It's either we laugh or..we push the old man down the escalator!