Taking a quick moment to wish all our friends and family a very Happy New Year! Twin and I are living it up, throwin it down in true twin fashion. That is to say, we are hanging with the kids watching Smurfs. We did go nuts and get some sparkling grape juice. We are considering moving the clocks so the kids just think it's midnight. Andy is recovering as well as can be expected with 4 boys running around. He's hopped up on vicodin. He has some bruising and swelling, may get a few black eyes outta the deal. Eli's new nickname is Poe, as in Kung Fu Panda. Studly is working the night shift tonight. Bug and I are considering cruising over there around midnight to ring in the new year with him. This year has brought us some big highs and some low lows. Twin 1 lost a job, got to spend some time home with the boys, and gained a job 500 times better than the one she lost. Twin 2 stayed at the same crap job, went through a failed adoption, yet gained a new job that is hopefully 500 times better. Through it all, God has proven his utmost faithfulness. It has not all turned out as we had hoped, however, we are learning to just trust in HIM to see us through it all. I don't believe either one of us have any huge resolutions. We are just wanting to continue attempting being good wives, good mamas, and good servants to our Lord and Savior. To all of you, may the Lord bless you and keep you, may he let his face shine upon you, and give you peace in the New Year. It is through him that we know......we either laugh, or we just go to bed and hope for a new tomorrow.
Chrissy (twin 2)
yep, this is us
This is the most recent one of the two of us..Chris smiling, Angie looking neurotic
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
you're gonna blog about this....aren't you...
Why yes, Andy, yes I am going to blog about this. Because special family memories must be preserved at all costs!!!!! So, me and Bug are hanging out at home in our jammies and Studly calls "hey sweetie", he says, "have you taken your sleep meds yet?" Now, it's like 7:30 pm, my man knows me too well. "No", I say, "why?" He says, "well, head on over to your twins house." Let's stop for just a moment here. I cannot even begin to possibly tell you how many times this phone call has happened. I would venture to say at least 20, and every time it ends in a trip to the emergency room. Typically, it's my twin and her blasted kidney stones. However, it has been for Tony, for Missy, for twin, but this is the first time it's been for Andy. Let's continue "ok, I say, which one is it?" It's Andy, Eli scissor kicked him in the nose and it won't stop bleeding. " ok, i'm on my way. Sure enough, I get there and my mom is there in her jammies. I take one look at Andy and it's off to the emergency room. Poor guy has a fractured nose, and Eli has two bruises on the top of his foot from where he kicked him. Eli's side of the story is that he and daddy were playing karate. He kicked once, missed, but then Tony was pretty impressed with the amount of wind that his foot made when kicked, so Eli did it again and that was the kill shot. Eli also tells me about the colorful language that Daddy shared with his little angels. And, this my friends, is how I get a house full of kids in my living room trying to sleep at 11:30 pm. Their daddy is hopped up on vicotin and should be asleep by now. It's either we laugh or we scissor kick them ALL in the head.
Studly took me away on a little overnight getaway. Well, me, and Micaiah. I know we're supposed to leave the kid somewhere else when we go away, however, with our work schedules and such, we never feel like we have time as a family, so the kiddo went with us. Besides, the kid is a riot. We didn't really go far, just about an hour north of here. We went to the mall that I always went to growing up. It has changed quite a bit. I forgot just how huge the place is! Seriously, our mall here is NOTHING compared to it. So, we walk in and AAAAHHHHHH they have a Charming Charlies!!!!!!!!! Seriously, this is the BEST STORE EVER! It's like a Claires, on crack, for adult women. I first went to one in Washington, DC with my sister Kim. I had NO IDEA they had one here in Indiana WITHIN DRIVING DISTANCE FROM ME! I'm sensing an all girls road trip in the ne
ar future. It was a great time to go to the mall. Every store had huge sales going on. We bought little things here and there, paying no more than a buck for most of it. The Princess had a blast buying accessories and such for herself. Grandma Miller got her a gift card to Claires. She burned it up in about 2.5 seconds (thanks mom!). They now have a double decker carousal which we had to check out. Correction, Tom and Micaiah had to check out. Those things make me heave in 2.5 seconds (thanks for passing the motion sickness gene on to me dad). They loved it. Studly isn't too much of a studly to enjoy a carousal ride with his little girl. He even rode on the pretty pink pony that she picked out for him
. Love that man. I had to take a picture of this next spot, and my sisters are sure to appreciate it. As I said earlier, this is the mall that we all went to when we were growing up. On one such trip, mom and dad took us girls as teenagers there. We split up from mom and dad, 'cause it's not cool to walk around with your parents. Dad had this "thing" he did throughout his life. Whenever he wanted to round us all up, he would CAW CAW like a crow. When we were younger, we would all come running. Well, you guessed it, mom and dad were on the top level of the mall, we were on the floor level when CAW CAW CAW CAW is what we hear. I remember my sister Kim just saying to all of us, "Don't even look up there, just walk away!" And, so we did. It didn't discourage my dad at all. He just kept cawin like a freakin crow. Oh how I miss that man. The next day, found us at Gander Mountain, Bass Pro Shop, and Cabellas. All 3 of which are hunting/fishing/camping/testosterone filled shops. However, they have enough candles, homemade fudge, and pretties to keep me entertained. That, and it's too funny to see my little girl handling guns.
They also have a lot of cool taxidermy. Micaiah cracked me up when she looked at one of the deer and said "Quit staring at me! Stupid deer! You're dead to me!" Hilarious Throw in some lunch with
some old friends from college and we pretty much had a blast! 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Cheese and Rice, Twin! Could you have possibly found a worse picture of me to put on here?! Like, how about using some photo shop to make me lose about 50 more lbs?! Cripes sake, I'm gonna find the pic of you in labor. That will be the next pic posted. Right now, me, Studly, and Buggie are up north taking a little mini vacation. Everyone will find, I am NOT the funny one in this mix. Twin is more than a little half baked most of the time. She's the funny one. Studly is about to take Buggie swimming, thank the Lord, 'cause she's in super obnoxious mode. That, and I'm goin on about 4 hours of sleep in the last 48. Good times, good times. You either laugh, or we punch someone in the face.
Christmas Eve with the boys
Heres the story that started the idea of the blog. This occurred last Saturday night, and I've been asked to share it. Look forward to several more of these stories, as they occur, or as I subconsciously draw them to the front of my memory after having suppressed them.
So, I'm going to try and give this story justice. We went to Christmas Eve service with my sister-in-law, Leisa. We were thankfully in the balcony of church, as her husband Brian was working the sound booth. The boys are in a new, huge church, and its Christmas Eve. I should just leave the story there, as you can imagine the insanity that happened. All was going relatively well, boys were crazy, but enjoying the service. It came time for communion, and during this particular communion, you were to take a piece of bread off the loaf and dip it into the juice. Elijah takes communion at our church, so I figured he could take it here, but of course the little boys wanted to go up there with us. So, we go down to the main floor and get in line. I'm herding Tony with me, Twin has Luke, Andy has Eli and Abe. I take communion and tell Tony that he cant. Well, Tony freaks and says "HEY, I'M HUNGRY TOO!" like we were all in line to get Whoppers with cheese or something. I tell him no, but then Twin says "oh, I let Luke do it", so I said "ok, Tony, just a little piece". Well, Tony takes a bite and yells "THIS TASTES DISGUSTING!" and spits it out. Eli takes his and says "UGH, THIS JESUS IS GROSS!" (he got a stern lecture from dad on that one). I'm so horribly horrified at this point, that we just exit the church and go back up to the balcony where the monkeys belong. Its time for the candle lighting. So, we all have these little candles and I'm already freaking out. Please be careful boys, please be still! Well, Luke decides he wants to hold his OVER the balcony. So, I'm standing over him with my hand underneath his candle because all I can think about is how he will drop the FLAMING CANDLE off the balcony and onto someones head. Meanwhile, Andy is holding Abe and trying to hold a lit candle. Not a good combination. Abe gets loose and is trying to chuck Christmas ornaments over the balcony. I'm so thankful when "Silent night" is over and I can blow out the candles. Soo, we are almost ready to go, we are standing around in the lobby talking and such, and I see Luke up at the altar (its a Methodist church). Well, my Catholic upbringing kicks and I'm about to pass out from him being up there. I'm told that he is helping Leisa and daughter Hope clean up for the next service. I start walking up to the front of the church, and to my horror, Luke comes running out of the back with a huge loaf of communion bread, just chomping away like its a sub sandwich. I froze, absolutely froze and screamed "LUKE, NO!". Eli screams "HE'S EATING GOD!!!!!!" I run to the back while everyone around me is laughing hysterically. Thankfully, they had several communion loaves left and said it was not a big deal at all and that he was welcome to eat. I...COULD..HAVE...DIED. Seriously, I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me whole. My Twin is laughing so hard she cant breathe, EVERYONE is laughing so hard, and I just stood there shaking my head. After a few minutes, I too, had to laugh. Who else but MY boys can provide such insanity??? I'm not sure we will be doing that again until the boys are in their 30's.
its either we laugh or...we drink margaritas until we pass out..
So, I'm going to try and give this story justice. We went to Christmas Eve service with my sister-in-law, Leisa. We were thankfully in the balcony of church, as her husband Brian was working the sound booth. The boys are in a new, huge church, and its Christmas Eve. I should just leave the story there, as you can imagine the insanity that happened. All was going relatively well, boys were crazy, but enjoying the service. It came time for communion, and during this particular communion, you were to take a piece of bread off the loaf and dip it into the juice. Elijah takes communion at our church, so I figured he could take it here, but of course the little boys wanted to go up there with us. So, we go down to the main floor and get in line. I'm herding Tony with me, Twin has Luke, Andy has Eli and Abe. I take communion and tell Tony that he cant. Well, Tony freaks and says "HEY, I'M HUNGRY TOO!" like we were all in line to get Whoppers with cheese or something. I tell him no, but then Twin says "oh, I let Luke do it", so I said "ok, Tony, just a little piece". Well, Tony takes a bite and yells "THIS TASTES DISGUSTING!" and spits it out. Eli takes his and says "UGH, THIS JESUS IS GROSS!" (he got a stern lecture from dad on that one). I'm so horribly horrified at this point, that we just exit the church and go back up to the balcony where the monkeys belong. Its time for the candle lighting. So, we all have these little candles and I'm already freaking out. Please be careful boys, please be still! Well, Luke decides he wants to hold his OVER the balcony. So, I'm standing over him with my hand underneath his candle because all I can think about is how he will drop the FLAMING CANDLE off the balcony and onto someones head. Meanwhile, Andy is holding Abe and trying to hold a lit candle. Not a good combination. Abe gets loose and is trying to chuck Christmas ornaments over the balcony. I'm so thankful when "Silent night" is over and I can blow out the candles. Soo, we are almost ready to go, we are standing around in the lobby talking and such, and I see Luke up at the altar (its a Methodist church). Well, my Catholic upbringing kicks and I'm about to pass out from him being up there. I'm told that he is helping Leisa and daughter Hope clean up for the next service. I start walking up to the front of the church, and to my horror, Luke comes running out of the back with a huge loaf of communion bread, just chomping away like its a sub sandwich. I froze, absolutely froze and screamed "LUKE, NO!". Eli screams "HE'S EATING GOD!!!!!!" I run to the back while everyone around me is laughing hysterically. Thankfully, they had several communion loaves left and said it was not a big deal at all and that he was welcome to eat. I...COULD..HAVE...DIED. Seriously, I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me whole. My Twin is laughing so hard she cant breathe, EVERYONE is laughing so hard, and I just stood there shaking my head. After a few minutes, I too, had to laugh. Who else but MY boys can provide such insanity??? I'm not sure we will be doing that again until the boys are in their 30's.
its either we laugh or...we drink margaritas until we pass out..
the name
Chris just recommended that I explain the name of the blog. good idea Twin! You will soon discover that she is the brains behind this operation. Its either we laugh or... Most of the time, our lives are so incredibly insane, that we find ourselves saying "Well, Twin, its either we laugh or...and then we fill in the blank with something hysterical. So, from now on, keep an eye out for our "fill in the blank". There will be one in every post!!!!! Hey, its either we laugh or..we jump off a bridge.
In the beginning.....
Ok, so, here I am. blogging. bloggie blog blog blogger. Yep, thats me, I'm a blogger. I blog. I'm in the blogging club. Hey, dont you blog? Why yes, yes I do.
Anyhoo, if you havent noticed yet, there will be TWO bloggers on here. Yes folks, two for the price of one login. Since I'm the one setting this debauchery up, I'll go first. This is Angie. Why am I blogging? hell, I dont know. Maybe because facebook has jacked up their pages AGAIN and I cant find my way around my own stinkin page to figure out how share my smart ass comments to everyone. (yes, I said smart ass, get used to it) Several people have mentioned me writing a book, and I'm not nearly smart enough to do that, so I've decided to start blogging instead.
What do I want from this blog?? Hmmm, thats a question I've been pondering for the past 24 hours (in-between the thoughts of groceries, money, chicken nuggets, boys superman underwear, the Iowa caucuses, sleep studies, etc) I dont know what I want. Part of me wants to share my thoughts to the world, part of me just wants somewhere to vent. Many people say I'm funny. Maybe part funny, part neurotic, part ADHD. This blog will be where I share my stories of raising 4 boys. 4 YOUNG boys. 8,5,3,14 months to be exact. Its insane, its mind-numbing, its funny, its sad sometimes, its hard ALL THE TIME. So, no, it wont be funny all the time, but I do plan on posting quite a few of my little boys isms..I havent thought of a name for them yet, but when I do, I'll let you know. It'll also be where I share my undying love for my husband. Lord, do I love that man. But, Lord, do I want to kick the snot out of him sometimes. He's my everything, other than the "other man". The other man being my Lord. This blog is also where I will share my faith. I'm Christian. I belong to Evangelical Covenant Church here in L-town. LOVE IT THERE! (hellooo to all my ECC family!)
Anyway, thats what I'm doing in a nutshell. Chris (you will see us refer to the other as Twin most of the time, its up to you to keep up with which Twin is talking about which Twin) is on a short get-away with Studly and Bug, so she cant contribute till she gets back.
So, follow us, share with us, but dont disagree with us unless you want a lashing TWIN STYLE!! just kidding! Please keep all posts cordial. If you dont agree with something, by all means, reply.
Anyhoo, if you havent noticed yet, there will be TWO bloggers on here. Yes folks, two for the price of one login. Since I'm the one setting this debauchery up, I'll go first. This is Angie. Why am I blogging? hell, I dont know. Maybe because facebook has jacked up their pages AGAIN and I cant find my way around my own stinkin page to figure out how share my smart ass comments to everyone. (yes, I said smart ass, get used to it) Several people have mentioned me writing a book, and I'm not nearly smart enough to do that, so I've decided to start blogging instead.
What do I want from this blog?? Hmmm, thats a question I've been pondering for the past 24 hours (in-between the thoughts of groceries, money, chicken nuggets, boys superman underwear, the Iowa caucuses, sleep studies, etc) I dont know what I want. Part of me wants to share my thoughts to the world, part of me just wants somewhere to vent. Many people say I'm funny. Maybe part funny, part neurotic, part ADHD. This blog will be where I share my stories of raising 4 boys. 4 YOUNG boys. 8,5,3,14 months to be exact. Its insane, its mind-numbing, its funny, its sad sometimes, its hard ALL THE TIME. So, no, it wont be funny all the time, but I do plan on posting quite a few of my little boys isms..I havent thought of a name for them yet, but when I do, I'll let you know. It'll also be where I share my undying love for my husband. Lord, do I love that man. But, Lord, do I want to kick the snot out of him sometimes. He's my everything, other than the "other man". The other man being my Lord. This blog is also where I will share my faith. I'm Christian. I belong to Evangelical Covenant Church here in L-town. LOVE IT THERE! (hellooo to all my ECC family!)
Anyway, thats what I'm doing in a nutshell. Chris (you will see us refer to the other as Twin most of the time, its up to you to keep up with which Twin is talking about which Twin) is on a short get-away with Studly and Bug, so she cant contribute till she gets back.
So, follow us, share with us, but dont disagree with us unless you want a lashing TWIN STYLE!! just kidding! Please keep all posts cordial. If you dont agree with something, by all means, reply.
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