yep, this is us

yep, this is us
This is the most recent one of the two of us..Chris smiling, Angie looking neurotic

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Break my heart

I dont know where to start this blog, or where to end it, so I'm just going to start typing and we'll see together where this goes.  This'll probably take me all day to type out, as I'm quite sure I'll go through it 100 times and add/delete stuff.  Heres my official warning


So, if you are reading this and expecting my usual lunacy, I'm sorry to disappoint.  I do have a serious side, sometimes, and it needs to come out and play for a bit.  After I'm done, I'll stuff it back down and put my funny mask back on.

Here we go.

I have been praying a lot lately, nothing exactly new to me, but I've been praying with a specific purpose.  I wanted my heart broken.  Say what???  Yes, I have been praying for God to smash my heart.  Break it, crumble it, make me cry, make me FEEL SOMETHING.  Lately I've felt very calm.  This is a good thing considering who I live with, but I'm sick of calm.  I want to be PASSIONATE.  Oooh la la.  No, not that kind of passion (although I'm sure Andy might appreciate that), I want to be passionate about Gods purpose.  I want to live for more than this day to day nonsense.  I get up, I get the boys to school, I clean my house, I read facebook, I do sleep studies, I go to church, I spend time with the smokin-hot hubster, blah blah blah...YAWN.  Man, I'm bored.  And I'm boring. Not to say that what I'm doing is not important.  Raising four sons to be godly men is THE most important job that I've ever been given, that and being my husbands arm candy.  However,  I am craving SUBSTANCE!  Give me something challenging, break my mold, open my eyes Father God.  TELL ME WHAT TO DO!  Reveal the ugly, reveal the sin in my life, reveal the prejudice that I have, and make me get rid of it!  Well, He has.  Thank you Abba Father.

Okay, all that being said, I'm going to type the subject of this blog.  DONT RUN AWAY!



If you're still here, let me get down to business.  I'm going to try and keep this very fact-oriented.  I have several atheist/agnostic friends, so I dont want to get all holy-roller.  This isnt a religious issue, its a life issue.  This isnt a Republican/Democrat issue, its a life issue.  This isnt an American issue, its a life issue.  Abortion effects ALL OF US.  Now, please keep in mind that I am a Christian, so that will be discussed.  However, when I say that I am a Christian, its not a religion to me, its a matter of Faith and a way of life.  Its not about rules, but about grace in knowing that I am just as much of a sinner as the next guy.  I know that I am not always right, but I know the One who is :)

Unless you live in a cave, you've heard about the Gosnell trial.  If you do live in a cave, let me enlighten you.  Kermit Gosnell is a physician in Philly that performs abortions.  Well, he DID perform abortions, now he's going to rot in jail till he dies.  Why??  Because it was discovered that he was killing babies that were completely born ALIVE.  He had several live births in the process of abortion.  How did he handle these?  What did he do with these squirming, crying, breathing babies??  He killed them.  Snipped their brain from their spinal cord.  The stories are horrific and unfathomable to anyone with any kind of conscience.  The pictures are worse.  Fully formed human beings with cuts in their necks.  He took them and threw them in the trash.  In the garbage, like yesterdays casserole.  
Many people would like us to believe that he's just a freak, he's out of the mainstream, he's alone in doing this.  No, he's not.  I'm not dumb enough to think "Well, he's in jail, thats the end of THAT"  No, there are more "Gosnells" out there.  Abortion is big business, folks.  BIG MONEY.  Did some quick research (google).  In 2005, approximately $831,000,000 was made from abortions.  yes, thats MILLIONS.  Its increased steadily over the years.  Gosnell himself made 1.8 million annually.  Abortion is priced according to how far along the woman is.  1st trimester, 2nd trimester, 3rd trimester.  The further along, the more its gonna cost.  Third trimesters are supposed to be illegal, but, obviously, they are still happening.  The cut off is supposed to be 24 weeks in most states.  Ironic that 24 weeks is also the known as the "viability" week.  Meaning, if you make it to 24 weeks, and your baby would happen to be born then, the chances are much greater for the child to survive than before 24 weeks.  So, at 24 weeks, you can either kill the baby or save it. 

My heart aches over this.  My soul literally cries.  I dont understand this.  How can this be happening in this country?  What would make a woman decide to end a life?  I dont have the answers, but I'm trying to find out.  I'm especially concerned with the late-term abortions.  What happened in these womens lives to make them suddenly decide to kill the child that they've been pregnant with for 6 months?  How can a woman do this after shes felt that baby move?  I dont understand, and frankly, I'm scared to death to understand.  The overwhelming answer that I've received so far is ignorance.  I dont say that in a mean way.  I'm not saying "stupidity", I'm saying ignorance.  Women are not aware that this is a living human being.  They are told that its a clump of tissue, that he doesnt feel pain, that he's not formed.  They are also ignorant of their choices.  I find it crazy that the pro-abortionists are called "Pro-Choice".  If it were truly pro-choice, than women WOULD be given the information and knowledge that they need to make an INFORMED DECISION.  Instead, they are lied to, deceived, kept in the dark.  Dont believe me??  Check out these clips.

There are many, many more videos.  Time after time, women are being lied to.  Women are being led to believe that having a baby is a pain, a burden, that its horrible.  No...its not.  Babies are wonderful!  They are beautiful and fantastic!  Babies bring indescribable joy!!!  Yes, they are hard work, but its so worth it! 

From reading article after article, the facts are just mind-numbing.  If I can be real frank here, folks, these women are not from white suburbia.  The majority of these women (in the US) are either black or latino.  In the US, an African American baby has a 50/50 shot at being born.  Read that again.  HALF of all African American pregnancies end in abortion.  Most of these women have low-incomes.  This is a travesty!  And, I dont want to hear the argument "Well, thats one less that I'll have to support with my tax money".  For real?  Seriously?  You'd rather have a child end up in the trash can than use "your" tax money.  Time for a priority check. These babies deserve LIFE.  They deserve an education, food, clothing..everything that my boys have.  If it takes my tax money to do it, so be it. 

I could go through some more numbers, more statistics, more facts, but I'll spare you.  I want to zero in on my women out there that are thinking about an abortion. 

Please, educate yourself.  Please.  If anything, get ALL the facts first.  Once an abortion is done, its done, theres no turning back. Please, consider LIFE.  Consider what kind of mom you could be!  I know its scarey, I know its uncertain, but give yourself and that baby a chance!  You are much stronger than you think you are.     Please, consider adoption.  If your life circumstances dont look like they could support a baby right now, than do the most unselfish thing and place that baby into waiting arms.  I know too many women that have battled or are battling infertility.  Do you know what they would give to be able to get pregnant???  Do  you know how many lives will be blessed by that decision??  Do you know how much YOU will be blessed by that decision?  And it doesnt have to be "hand baby over, never see him again".  There are so many different adoption options.  I'm asking for 9 months of your whole life.  9 months.  Two of my sons are adopted.  I love these boys with everything I have, and I will forever praise their birth-mothers for choosing LIFE.

Now, I'm going to zero in on men.  Men, for goodness sake, rise up and do SOMETHING.  Stop sitting there with your fingers in your ears!  You had just as much to do with this baby being conceived as she did.  BE RESPONSIBLE.  Most likely, the woman is going to go along with what you decide.  USE PROTECTION.  If you absolutely cannot wait until marriage (which all of you can, I assure you), then use protection.  And if, by chance, your partner does become pregnant, then BE A MAN AND HELP HER!  Dont run off like some dog in heat just lookin for the next one to impregnate!

Ok, my preachin is over.  All of this leads to my initial paragraphs about God speaking to me.  He is urging me to help NOW.  So, I'm going to be contacting the local pro-life organizations and seeing what I can do.  I dont have any money, and I have very little time, but the time I can give, I will.  I'm not telling you this to brag, honestly, I'm scared to death.  But, I'm sick of sitting here and reading these horror stories and not doing anything about it.  God did not give me a spirit of fear, but of courage.

In closing, I need to mention, if you are a woman, and you have had an abortion, good Lord I'm praying for you.  Healing is possible, Forgiveness is possible, Being whole again is possible.  I pray thousands of blessings upon you to help you. 

Its either we laugh or....we get off our butts and do something.
